Fill Dirt Delivery

Fill Dirt Delivery Services 
for King, Pfafftown, Pilot Mountain, NC & Beyond

As the name implies, fill dirt is best used in areas that need to be built up, especially for construction purposes. Unlike topsoil, fill dirt typically does not have any nutrients or organic matter in it, making it a poor choice for landscaping. The absence of organic materials allows it to hold up well in any type of ground leveling or subsequent construction.

Larger projects that involve fill dirt can include raising ground levels; preparing ground for driveways, sidewalks, or roadways; creating shoulders on the side of paved roads, and more. Some smaller projects, such as raising plant beds, leveling off land around pools or patios, or building up the ground around retaining walls may also require fill dirt.

different colors of fill dirt

Contact Us for Convenient Fill Dirt Delivery

SOAR Smart Onsite Aggregate Recycling is here to help you get the fill dirt you need for all your outdoor construction projects. All you have to do is call us and we’ll bring it right to your home, business, or job site! Schedule your fill dirt delivery service today. We offer high-quality products and services throughout Pfafftown, Pilot Mountain, Walnut Cove, and King, NC.

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